Locked Down With Spider Man

Nowadays, Spider Man and I watch our little world wake up around us. Together. We keep each other company as we start our day. However, we do maintain social distancing. I, sipping tea in my sit out, good 12 meters away! Lol! Mostly, the world these days around us is of feathered and plumed variety. 

Some with a mind for just blooming because that's what they do.   We listen to the numerous birds create a racket around us. His lot, my neighbours, left town on 22 March 2020 when India came to a stand still. My neighbours on the right hung around for 10 more days and then they too moved away, to their parents I presume. 

Spider Man does miss the children and often broods. I try my best to cheer him up with the daily laughter dose of Tik Tok world and Banksy Updates! The girl with a pearl on the Wall now wearing a mask. Or, tell him how India and South Asia till now is doing better in controlling the virus than U.S.A. The reasons I'm told can be anything from difficult sounding Hydro chloro quine exposure for malaria to BCG vaccination. So, the un-friendly mosquitoes are not so unfriendly after all we both surmise! 

Rose Ringed Parakeet

I fortunately live on a dead end road surrounded by tall trees in the mad bustling metropolis called Delhi. Yes, it's my own spot of "far from the madding crowd" as it were. We were always fortunate to wake up to the bird call in the mornings. And now in the changed world it has become quite dramatic. My small sit-out has become my sanctuary of sorts. I sit still in communion with nature and try to recognise each bird call and catch their magnificent feathers. The parakeets and mynas are the most noisy. They create a racket most morning rushing back and forth through the air. Miss my broken  binoculars so!  A Rufous Treepie keeps Spidey company then saunters off to some geraniums in bloom next door.

The kind of hidden from rest of the world and allows me tons of privacy but the bad news is everything is at least a kilometer or two away. Medicine store and ATM. Walking my way around usually does it with bit of public transport, however in the new lockdown era even that is not possible. The thing I'm missing most in this new world is a bicycle. Usually, I can't think of using one even though this is not so congested corner of my 5 km radius world. However, the current conditions are just perfect to use it. Who'd have thought this could be possible in Delhi, definitely not the scary cat me! Wonder if it's on essential items list. Can I get one? How? Wishful thinking! One is allowed to be bit silly under the prevailing conditions.

My garden is doing well readers. As I've run out of my compost my current food for them includes fruit peels, tea leaves, and crushed egg shells. I'm happy to report they are healthy and well. So much so that white chrysanthemums are blooming in late April heat! My joy knows no bound. Feel thrilled at her divine beauty. The butterflies come and visit. Wasps too are hanging out. Together we shall get by this my lovelies!

On that note I bid adieu and wish you all a healthy and restful weekend ahead! Stay happy, stay healthy and we will make it to a better world in not so distant future.


Diva said…
I feel you girl... hope we get past this pandemic with our sanity intact... much love
Unknown said…
"Just another service provided by your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!" <3
illusions said…
Ha ha ha! Well said Tanveer! Thanks Diva by dropping by.
Running Shoes said…
I always knew your neighbour Spider man will come to some good use one day! From the day you moved, he is patiently waiting to provide said service :-)
Fantastic penwomanship ! I loved the lines and chuckles were just bonus.
illusions said…
So glad you liked my pen-womanship. Spiderman and me will continue to report from time to time ! DO keep us company!

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