Silver Night

Isha blamed the sickle Moon for her undoing. It shone to cut her to little pieces. Her heart bled and she could see the wound open into a red flower where Rohit rested. She could still see Rohit annoyed and cursing as she pushed the pedal hard. Isha loved thrilling speed. More so on such a magical moonlit night. She wanted to touch the Moon in her hair, she wanted to bathe in it. She wanted Rohit to reach out and make love to her in the moonlit night like they used to do years ago. They have been together for over a decade now and had slowly settled into a regular, unexciting middle-class existence. Most of their time was consumed in the daily struggles of a growing business and two young children, “the girls” as they were called lovingly by the two. Pakhi was eight years old and a handful.  There was a regular tussle with Isha for disciplining her. Pakhi has been mischievous and wild, quite like herself she knew. She dreaded the upcoming teenage years when Pakhi was bound to turn into a rebel without a cause. But Rohit always indulged their first born and told Isha he will make it as smooth as possible. But then Isha knew better. As a teenager she had been a challenge to control until she graduated high school she tormented her parents to no end.
But Jhilmil was a star. Isha smiled as she remembered her poetess all of five year old. Already she was writing four line ditties which charmed everyone. She was writing everywhere, on paper, on cards, kitchen counter, on the fridge but she always spared the walls as she knew Isha won’t approve. Quiet and introspective an astute child was little Jhilmil. She was a delight and every parents' dream. They were so lucky to have “the girls” who made their world shine with all the colours of the rainbow. Rohit often said Jhilmil had taken after him and Isha could hardly refute him as she knew it definitely wasn’t her streak that charmed everyone but Rohit’s poise being the winner.
But still, sometimes Isha missed the fancy free and excitement filled youthful years when they had embraced such moments of glorious abandonment. For once she wanted to go back to her carefree self. With time Rohit had become engrossed with their business and nowadays had very little time to be with her. So, they planned to make this weekend special and had grabbed a quick getaway. “The girls”, were safe and happy with Rohit’s parents where they knew were being spoilt to their hearts content. Isha simply wanted to relive the carefree years this weekend. When the sickle Moon made its appearance she longed to be with it and started persuading Rohit for a drive through the beautiful chilly ink blue mountain night.
Although Rohit agreed for the spin eventually but somehow did not meet her excitement. This sheer energy of Isha had always made her so attractive yet he always feared that wild calling. Part mesmerised, part in awe.
His mind was still faraway and Isha wanted to jolt him back to the present. Isha felt something reckless taking hold of her and she pushed the throttle further. Rohit’s voice was still ringing in her ears as he asked her to slow down and lunged for the wheel. But Isha would hear nothing of the sort and spun the wheel to the right with great deftness. Exactly right at the same moment a solitary truck raced towards them trying to move out of the way.  It all happened way too quickly. A loud crash of churning metal as she lost control and the truck and their small car were entangled into a huge metallic mess in the gleaming moon light.    
What is done, cannot be undone. What is said, cannot be unsaid. I wish I could turn back the clock and bring the wheels of time to a stop. Isha thought to herself. Oh help! Please help! Standing there on the solitary road she looked at the slumped figure of Rohit lying underneath the car. He was severely injured and unrecognisable. What had she done? Why was she spared? She couldn’t make sense of any of it. Uncontrollable tears rolled down her grimy face. Nothing made sense. The world was spinning in her head. Apart from the relentless cicadas there was complete silence. Her clothes were in tatters, but she was walking and standing alone in the middle of the road. No one else from the steely mess was seen mobile. Suddenly she heard the hum of a car approaching from downhill. Isha ran with all her strength. She had to get help. She had to get Rohit to safety and the driver of the truck. May be they will make it after all she thought. Oh please stop! Oh please help us! She screamed.
As she turned the corner she saw the headlight glimmer in a distance slowly creeping towards her. Hurry, she screamed. Please hurry! Now the car was moving faster towards her and she started flaying her arms with all her might. It was a big SUV, she could make out. Please help, she cried out loud. The car went past her quickly but came to a screeching halt at the turn.
Three young men climbed out quickly in horror. “They are dead, looks like it happened just a few minutes ago,” said the first man. “Call for police,” said the second. “This man is alive, oh this one too! What a miracle! But the woman is dead, she didn't make it”, said the third passenger. Isha stood rooted to the spot. That can’t be true! For the first time she noticed her body lying in a heap at the curb not too far from Rohit.She instinctively tried to touch her face to check with herself, but that can’t be. Why there was nothing but hollowness. She has indeed embraced the night for good now, she thought. Isha turned her head up and saw the Moon shining on her with a silver gaze.    



Diva said…
Breathtaking... I had my heart in my mouth...
illusions said…
Hahaha! Thanks a ton Diva for the encouraging comment!
Suman said…
What a story..... Splendid.....Brilliant build and a wow twist. Perfect short story....fantastic
illusions said…
Thank you much much Suman :D
Running Shoes said…
He he He you can crossed to the dark side my friend... :-) lovely story, keep churning more ..yayyy
illusions said…
Yaaa! Thank you dear Running Shoes! Wanted to do a role reversal. So so glad you liked :D
Lovely! The perfect twist for a short story. Loved reading it ❤️
illusions said…
Thank you so so much Tomali. Shall continue as guided by you. Love :D
Smita said…
Reading it was an adventure. You should keep writing stories ❤️
illusions said…
Thank you so much Smita. Writing for me is also a similar adventure.I already many more here. Please search for short story or fiction to read some more.
Unknown said…
Lockdown makes us story tellers huh? 😛
illusions said…
Ha ha ha...old one...published now. There are many more in the blog if you are interested. Just search by Short Story. Thanks for visiting me here. Big huggg!
Unknown said…
There's something beautifully recognisable about Silver Night. Maybe, it comes from all the time I have spent behind the wheels driving up to the mountains. The twists and turns, the swift manoeuvres - there's always a prayer on the lips.
illusions said…
I think so too. But the whole story came to me via the gorgeous Moon outside my window last year. It was great fun to write from the perspective of the spirit narrator :)

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