Urban gypsy diary: The pack

The excitement only builds up for me in the last 72 hours. Gone are the days when I would be enthralled with it for weeks. Hmm...that's experience for you. The packing is the starting point and can be oh sooo easy if you invest 30 minutes of identifying must haves. So Wednesday night I started doing the same. And then stared at the jumble sale pile. Also my rucksack was all sparkling dry cleaned and almost as good as new after 6 years. Restored almost to it's old self. Just like me. What a pleasure! But, I knew fresh eyes would be needed and off to sleep I went.

Now comes the main thing how to pack it so that I do not have a back breaking injury or trip over! After so many trips each time I go through this pang of getting it right. I was determined to break the barrier now. So my nocturnal research took me to You Tube. Watched a few of You Tube videos out and found two excellent short videos.

First one : How to pack your rucksak by Adam Fowler. It talks about weight distribution in a very simple way without being intimidating.Watch it by clicking on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS4GKWPnbQg

The next one too was simple and showed the importance of the trial in particular which I had not done earlier and had always left it for the last moment when it was too late to undo your mistakes. This too you can watch on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIddyp1Ig_g

Thursday I was mulling over the pile somewhere in the back of my mind the entire day when a friend dropped by in the evening and reduced couple of items from the jumble sale. That helped to keep the pack weight to 30% of my body weight. Very important, do note.

Voila! The research and fresh eyes paid off well and how! So, on Thursday evening I packed my sack and was ready for the trial run around my living room.

My standard issue Invicta 42 Ltr with rain cover looked terrific and fitted snug, There was a negligible tilt which could be corrected in jiffy. I was happy with the output. What say? See you on the other side of the Holidays folks! 


Ahmed said…
Hey the backpacker...waiting to read about your sojourn ....do return with rejuvenated spirits! Have fun!
illusions said…
Heyy! Thanks for the wishes Ahmed. It was lovely indeed. Had a memorable time.

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