Mysterious Heart

Possibility 1

He: Hi. Whats up gurl?
She: Go take a jump.
Contact blocked

Possibility 2

He: Heey. I think you would find me inspiring. Wanna meet?
She: Not even in hell.
Contact blocked

Possibility 3

He: Hi beautiful. U R gorgeous. I would like to meet you.
She: What makes you think I would?
Contact blocked

Possibility 4

He: Hello. I am Sachin. What's your name?
She: Why? Didn't you see it on the account?
He: Oh! That's a real name then?
She: I am afraid so. What you see is what you get :-/
He: Hahaha! But that's a lovely name. No need to be afraid.
She: Well, thanks Sachin.
He: Loved your photographs. You really have a keen sense.
She: No you have a better sense.
He: Oh! really? Thanks. Did you check my pics? 
She: Yes I did. They are lovely. I especially like the amber signal light one. It had a story all over it. Are you a professional photographer?
He: Naah! I so wish!! Thanks so much for appreciating. I love that one too.
She: So what do you do?
He: Boring stuff. I am an investment banker.
She: Oh wow! Sounds very demanding. But you should also keep clicking.
He: Well, I will. :)
She: :)
He: You travel a lot it seems from your profile. Most of your pictures are from different places.
She: Yep both for work and pleasure. Keeps me grounded.
He: That's really wonderful. I am going to Mumbai soon to meet a friend. Want to capture the monsoons there.
She: Sounds lovely. Will wait for the pics.
He: Where are you traveling next?
She: Kalahandi.
He: Wow!
She: :)
He: You do fascinating stuff. What is your profession?
She: Struggling author, looking for the magnum opus. Lol!
He: Hahaha! Brilliant! You seem charming.
She: So do you Sachin.
He: Gee! Thanks. Are you dating?
She: Occasionally.
He: Nice. If you don't mind may I know your age?
She: Whatever is yours, add ten to it. How old are you, btw?
He: 23.
She: Oooops! My, my. Bye bye.
He: Heyyy! Don't go. Why? How old are you?
She: Exactly double of yours!
He: Age is immaterial. It's just a number. I have never been able to talk to anyone here so far. you       are the first one with whom I have been able to have an intelligent conversation. Please, please       don't go away. 
She: Not going away. But dating you, not possible.
He: But why? Why is age so significant?
She: Cause you need to find the answers yourself . That's what life is all about. I am not going to do that for you. Not become a ready reckoner of life I mean. I am no almanac.
He: Hahaha! No, no. All that is BS. When two people connect that's what matters.
She: Sorry, can't be Mrs. Robinson. Moreover, in another life you could be my son.
He: But in this life I am not, right? So what's the problem.
She: That I have nephews your age and I will die of guilt.
He: Oh! Please! You almost sound filmy!
She: Well, I am twice your age so I have the right to be old-fashioned you see.
He: Oh dear! Noooo! You are not.
She: Trust me I am.
He: All right, all right. Won't bug you. But can we just remain friends at least?
She: Well, who knows? May be.
He: Thanks. That's better. I can work with "may be".
She: You be good.
He: Hahaha! After this? Not a chance :)
She: Hmmm...don't fret. I am sure you will find a gorgeous girl soon who will be around your age.
He: Thanks, but like a chance in hell I would.
She: Don't write them off just now. There has to be a smart girl around for you, it's just that you haven't found her yet.
He: Hahaha! Can't wait. She better get here on the double. Lol! Anyway, tell me something? Do you have plans for Christmas?
She: Not yet. But I have blocked my leaves yes.
He: Goodie! 
She: How?
He: Well, I am going to Goa for Christmas and New Years and please think about it before saying join me for the vacation.
She: Ummm, sounds fun. We'll see. May be I will, may be I won't. Who knows?
He: Yaay! Amen!


Ahmed said…
Very what happens next, does she go on that vacation... very curious to know how the event unfold
illusions said…
Like she said Ahmed, "who knows". Stranger things have happened :D
Unknown said…
I want the girl to make the holiday happen ;-)
illusions said…
Thank you Moon. I am sure she will ;-)

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