Holy Dip

She stood perfectly still. In her plain shirt and jeans she did not blend with the motley crowd. In the shifting light of the growing evening she seemed somewhat a far away creature, real yet unattainable. The ghaats were thronging with pilgrims offering prayers, the sound was deafening. Yet, nothing seemed to touch her. As if she was in her own planet where everything stood still. Even time was eternal.

Sushant had this great urge to reach out and hold her hand but somehow stopped himself. She was ordinary looking enough. But something about her stillness made her very special in this teeming throes of humanity. What was she thinking? Wondered Sushant. What was going in her mind that nothing touched her? As if by providence he edged his way towards her in this all encompassing crowd. The music and chanting was growing louder. His mind was reeling.

The experience of this teeming humanity always left him gasping for air. But it had an undying charm to it, quite time less and each time he came back for more. Sushant was distracted by the sound of the bells tinkling and tolling loudly and he almost stumbled down the steps. In a fraction of a second the girl moved. She dived into the flooded river, but Sushant was quicker, he grabbed for her and went straight into the water with her. They tumbled, the noise receded, everything was quiet except for the girl. The moment she had hit the surface something kicked inside her and she was gasping for breath, at that point Sushant realized she was no swimmer and he had to take charge to save them both. 


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